Loraine's Book

Continuing from the previous page...
Traditional ideas like "boys don't cry" and "girls should always be nice" were thought to be healthy messages that positively shape the next generation.
However, they have instead created generations of men who are uncomfortable around emotions and often cannot express their own. They have created generations of women who struggle to be assertive about their own needs and who end up depleting themselves and living with resentment.
We do have some physiological differences to be sure. But we've taken it over the top and by forcing an unnatural way of being fundamentally opposite. We are not opposite. We have both opposites inside us.
We have been conditioned out of balance, and there is significant and widespread cost to this.
What might have made sense in the past now only serves to create imbalances that ripple out through our relationships, institutions and into the world. This manifests in the polarization we see in politics and cultures, along with the usual signs of hypermasculine values such as the a massive and growing gap between rich and poor, profits-at-all-costs business ethos, environmental degradation and the human-made contributors to climate change.
This concept of the gender binary might have made sense in a past period when survival was the highest order of the day and a strict division of labor seemed most sensible.
But times have changed and we have evolved. We are evolving at an unprecedented pace. While survival is still a fundamental and basic need, it is no longer our highest need. We have on average moved further up into Maslow's hierarchy. Living a life of purpose and aspiring to reach our unique potential as individuals has become the great aspiration of many.
We have entered a new era and the pace of change is rather dazzling. On the plus side, we are becoming more conscious as human beings, freer to be who we are and to express our individuality than ever before.
However, we are in the throes of that transformation, with some consciously evolving and growing with the times, and others resisting and harking back to old norms.
​The Law of Balance connects the dots and shows these outcomes for what they are: the imbalance and non-integration of both sides of ourselves all across the globe. The rush to action, achievement, status and personal gain is not sufficiently balanced the ability to let go, go with the flow, "just be", let alone be happy, take care of ourselves and others, and nurture our Planet. This is the hypermasculine ethic.
As we begin to enter the new era it is time to reconnect with this ancient wisdom. Much like the timely emergence of Law of Attraction around 2005, the time has come for the Law of Balance to be more widely known. The Law of Balance states that when we balance and integrate both sides of ourselves - the Inner Masculine and Inner Feminine - then we thrive and everyone around us benefits as well.
Whether you wish to create more success in life, work or relationships, this book will provide a fresh perspective that will liberate and empower you to achieve your desires.